Guido Smorto
Guido Smorto is Full Professor of Comparative Law at University of Palermo (Italy) and affiliate researcher at Dimmons – IN3 – UOC (Barcelona – Spain). As visiting professor, he has been teaching and researching in USA, Japan and many other countries. His latest articles focus on the regulation of the platform economy under EU law. On these topics, beside scholarly works and non-academic articles, he published documents on behalf of the EU Commission and the EU Parliament and contributed as an expert to the 2017 European Parliament Resolution on the collaborative economy.
Ignazio Vinci
Ignazio Vinci is Associate Professor of Urban planning at the University of Palermo. His research interests include urban policy in Europe and Italy, urban regeneration and local development, strategic planning, innovation in spatial planning and territorial governance. On these topics he has published around 130 works, including his latest book The spatial strategies of Italian regions (2014). He has also served as consultant for several national, regional and local authorities in the design, implementation and evaluation of plans and programmes for territorial development. Since 2015 he’s member of the Governing Board of the European Urban Research Association (EURA), where he leads the working group “Urban change and regional development at the margins of Europe: evaluating the effects of the EU’s policy”.
Cristiano Inguglia
Cristiano Inguglia obtained his master degree in Psychology in 1996 and his PhD in Public Relations in 2003. Currently, he is Assistant Professor in Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Palermo (Italy), where he teaches “Planning of Services” and “Methods and techniques of intervention in multicultural contexts” in the Master Degree in Psychology of Life Cycle. He took part to several national and European projects in the field of citizenship and Intercultural education. His research interests focus on the study of the relationships between ethnic and national belonging, well-being and intercultural relations during the development, as well as on the analysis of methods for fostering active citizenship and social inclusion during the life cycle. He has several international and national publications.
Giorgia Pavani
Giorgia Pavani (Phd) is Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law at the University of Bologna. Her research activity focused mainly on decentralization, local government and media law. She coordinates the Jean Monnet Project “New Policies and Practices for European Sharing Cities” – EuCity, and the Erasmus+ Capacity Building 2017-2020 “Nuevo programa de posgrado para la formación de OPeradores Transnacionales e INterculturales para la defensa de la naturaleza y la construcción de la paz en la Comunidad Andina” – OPT-IN. She is the author of The Structure and Governance of Public Service Broadcasting. A comparative perspective, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. With Lucio Pegoraro has edited Municipi d’occidente. Il governo locale in Europa e nelle Americhe, Donzelli, 2006.
Giuseppe Ingarao
Giuseppe Ingarao is an Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo, where he teaches Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Manufacturing technologies for Master degrees in Mechanical and Management engineering the. He received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management from the same University in 2009. He was Marie Curie Fellow and Free research associate at Centre for Industrial Management/Traffic & Infrastructure-KULeuven, Belgium and visiting scholar at the Laboratoire de Mécanique des Systèmes et des Procédés (LMSP) – ENSAM (Ecole Nationale Superieur d’Arts e Métiers) of Paris. He is member of the organizing committee of three Scientific Conferenes (ESAFORM 2018, SheMet 2017 and A.i.Te.M 2015). Also, he is member of the scientific committee of three scientific international conferences: KES-SDM, SHEMET and ESAFORM ). Dr. Ingarao ‘s research focuses on sustainable manufacturing. Specifically, he deals with the following topics: 1) design of energy and resource efficient Manufacturing processes ;2) -Methods and techniques for Life Cycle Assessment of product/processes;-3) Circular economy strategies.